To Calculation of Slotless and Brushless Motor with Permanent Magnets
On the basis of the Fourier variable separation method, a two-dimensional analytical model of a brushless DC motor with permanent magnets was developed. The General computational domain of the model includes both areas with permanent magnets, non-magnetic gaps, and ferromagnetic yoke of stator and rotor cores with their magnetic permeability. Magnetization of magnets is considered to be given and is expressed by trigonometric next to known coefficients. The magnetic field of the stator winding is represented as a potential and additional component, taking into account the eddy current nature of the field in the winding layer. The source of the potential magnetic field of the stator is an infinitely thin magnetic sheet located on the inner boundary of the stator yoke. As the potential of the magnetic sheet acts MDS stator winding, represented by a trigonometric series.
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