Recognition of Failed Wires during a Short-Circuit Fault in a Multiwire Network
The adaptive relay protection methods, which have received development in recent years, are engaged in solving the problem of recognizing failed wires in an n-wire network. The multitude of individual wire failure modes is divided into subsets of partial failure modes. In the course of training the recognizing structure (phase selector), each subset is represented in the form of domains on the measurement planes. The failure modes are replicated by the simulating network model. An algorithmic model, which produces measurements from the observed currents and voltages, plays a special role. This model, which simulates the healthy network, is a constituent part of the phase selector and converts the input quantities into voltages related to the n-wire network output. The measurements come as the ratios of the output and input voltage phasors. As an example, the phase selector for a three-phase network is considered. The procedure of revealing failed wires eliminates the need to restructure the domains reflecting the subsets of partial modes.
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