Calculating the Magnetic Field in the Active Zone of an Electrical Machine with an Annular Superconducting Armature Winding when there Is an External Shield

  • Sergey V. ZHURAVLEV
  • Boris S. ZECHIKHIN
  • Nikolay S. IVANOV
  • Yuliya Yu. NEKRASOVA
  • Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV
Keywords: electrical machines, annular superconducting winding, magnetic field calculation, magnetic shield


Construction of electrical machines with increased specific and volume power capacity is a complicated scientific and technical problem, which is dealt with in many papers published both in Russia and abroad. Publications that consider fully superconducting electrical machines, i.e., machines the stator and rotor windings of which are made of superconductors, are the most interesting ones. Among these publications, it is possible to specially separate those on constructing so-called ironless machines with the axial flux and cooled by liquid hydrogen. In using high-temperature superconducting (HTSC) tapes in the composition of electrical machine windings, a few essential limitations must be borne in mind. One of the design arrangements that can be adapted to the use of HTSC windings on the stator is the one with an annular armature winding. The article presents correlations for the inductive parameters of the windings and linear current density of an electrical machine with an annular HTSC winding on the stator. By using the obtained correlations, it is possible to select the rational type of the shield and determine its dimensions and mass. The results from comparing the parameters of two machines in using different types of magnetic shields are also presented.

Author Biographies


ZHURAVLEV Sergey V. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


ZECHIKHIN Boris S. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Nikolay S. IVANOV

IVANOV Nikolay S. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


NEKRASOVA Yuliya Yu. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV

LARIONOV Anatoly Ye. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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