Using a Photovoltaic Array as Part of the Space Booster Power Supply System
A storage battery is routinely used in the existing boosters equipped with liquid-fuel rocket engines. Under certain conditions, the electric power supply system mass can be essentially decreased by using a storage battery in combination with a photovoltaic array. The article considers the possibilities of using, in the composition of the space booster (SB) power supply system (PSS), a photovoltaic array (PVA) in addition to a storage battery with the aim to decrease the PSS mass. A procedure for selecting the optimal storage battery and photovoltaic array characteristics ensuring the minimal PSS mass has been determined, and the values of these characteristics have been estimated taking as an example an SB intended for placing a payload in a geostationary orbit. The obtained results may find use in substantiating the characteristics and developing PSS elements for prospective boosters.
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2. Semenov G.V., Khagush V.V., Kuznetsov Yu.L., Bogomolov A.A. Obshcherossiiskiy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy zhurnal «Polet», 2011 (Yubileinyi vypusk) – in Russ. (All-Russian Scientific and Technical Magazine «Polet», 2011 (Jubilee Issue), pp. 46—51.