Short-Circuit Fault Location Interval Recognition Criteria in Electrical System

  • Yury Ya. LYAMETS
  • Mikhail V. MARTYNOV
  • Alexander N. MASLOV
Keywords: short-circuit fault, location, criteria, algorithmic model, electric power transmission


The problem of locating (place recognition) of a short-circuit (SC) fault in an electric system is considered. It is shown that each fault location is associated with two versions of a complex SC parameter reflected by a ray in its plane. The ray position is determined by the inner impedance angle of the electric network as the equivalent generator with respect to the SC place. The angle variation interval for a fixed SC place is determined by the variation of normal passive parameters of the electric system simulation model. The algorithmic model of the observed power transmission line is the fault locator’s structural element. The model behaves as a tool that converts the observed quantities into a complex measurement as a function of the supposed SC place. The measurement is reflected as a locus in the same plane as the SC parameter specified by the segment of beams. The interval of SC place coordinate values is determined by intersection of the locus with the segment extreme rays. The segment can be adapted to the impedance of purely emergency operating conditions, which is determined by the ratio of emergency components of voltage and current at the supposed fault places.

Author Biographies


LYAMETS Yury Ya. (Chuvash State University (ChSU), Cheboksary, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


MARTYNOV Mikhail V. (LLC «Relematika», Cheboksary, Russia) — Research Engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Alexander N. MASLOV

MASLOV Alexander N. (LLC Relematika», Cheboksary, Russia) — Research Engineer, Master-Student of ChSU


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