A Technique for Processing Statistical Information for Elaborating Design Solutions for Protection from Sags and Short-Term Voltage Interruptions

  • Vladimir N. ТUL'SKY
  • Roman G. SHAMONOV
Keywords: electric power supply systems, electric power quality, designing, voltage sags, voltage interruptions, statistical data


A technique for processing statistical information on sags and short-term voltage interruptions is proposed. The technique is based on subdividing the initial totality of sags and short-term voltage interruptions recorded at an electric network node into critical and non-critical ones proceeding from the requirements of the valid regulatory documents for the noise immunity of equipment. The characteristics of each critical sag and short-term voltage interruption obtained for an electric network node are used as the initial data for calculating a number of indicators based on which a preliminary list of design solutions on limiting the influence of the considered phenomena can be drawn up. The proposed indicators have a clear physical meaning and can subsequently be used for estimating the required characteristics in generalized form, and open the possibility to carry out a preliminary technical-economic comparison of the developed preliminary versions of technical solutions. The results of approbating the proposed technique taking as an example individual points for monitoring the electric power quality in 6—220 kV networks of four regional power systems of Russia are presented.

Author Biographies


SOLODOVNIKOV Valery Ye. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» — NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) — Ph.D. Student

Vladimir N. ТUL'SKY

ТUL’SKY Vladimir N. (NRU«MPEI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


SHAMONOV Roman G. (OJSC «System Operator of the Unified Energy System», Moscow, Russia) — Chief of Department, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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