A Kinematic Energy Storage for Decentralized Energy Generation
In mastering the use of decentralized renewable energy sources, problems of connecting them to the common grid are encountered, including those stemming from the nonuniform power output produced by them. The use of a kinematic energy storage (KES) as an additional source of power for a wind farm is considered. In addition, a high-speed three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machine equipped with an output electronic module, with which the energy storage can operate with a variable rotation frequency, is proposed to be used as the KES motor—generator unit. The parameters of a KES with the inertia moment equal to 100 kgm[1] made using different materials (steel, aluminum, titanium, and high-strength composite material) have been calculated for different flywheel diameter-to-height ratios. It is shown that the energy storage equipped with a 624-kg flywheel made of composite material can produce the power output equal to 5 kW for 8 h in the rotation frequency range 18000—6000 min-1. A three-phase permanent-magnet motor-generator is proposed for such KES.
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