Controlling a Semiconductor Converter by Changing the Light Flux

  • Eugene N. KOPTYAYEV
  • Eugene N. POPKOV
  • Mark L. IVLEV
Keywords: semiconductor converter, thyristor, optothyristor, photocurrent, rectifier, three-phase bridge circuit, control angle


Controlling the semiconductor device pnpn-structure switching-on moment by changing the illumination intensity opened the possibility to control the semiconductor structure switching-on delay moment. Such effect can be laid at the heart of a semiconductor converter direct control technology. With such technology, there is no need to have a synchronization unit in the rectifier control system, and it becomes possible to do away with using complex elements. It has been shown experimentally that there is no degradation in the rectifier operation reliability. Experimental data on the scatter in the adjustment characteristics of thyristors taken from the same batch are given. It follows from these data that there is a proportional dependence between the photocurrent and thyristor opening angle, and that there is a proportionality of the current adjustment range in different specimens. By applying the basic electric circuit used in the experiments and using the results from calculating the optothyristor control circuits for the specified output voltage adjustment range, it becomes possible to implement control of the rectifier output proportional to the setpoint (reference) signal. The obtained experimental results can be applied in practice and allow continuous operation modes to be realized, because no failures were recorded during the tests. The temperature drift of the characteristics can be compensated by operation of the control system’s negative feedback. No significant fluctuations of the rectified voltage were recorded, because this mainly depends on the initial control accuracy. The application of this control method is most relevant in high-voltage networks.

Author Biographies


KOPTYAYEV Eugene N. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Ph. D.-student

Eugene N. POPKOV

POPKOV Eugene N. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


IVLEV Mark L. (Branch of Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Severodvinsk, Russia) — Director, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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