Synthesizing a Universal Multidimensional Relay Protection Measuring and Starting Element

  • Mikhail V. SHARYGIN
  • Alexander L. KULIKOV
  • Anton A. PETROV
Keywords: electric network, relay protection, multiparametric protection, measuring and starting device, conditional setpoint, mesh function


With the application of microprocessor systems, which allow the information arriving from measurement instruments to be analyzed in a more comprehensive manner, relay protection and automatic control (RP&AC) devices have gained a wider scope of functions and more efficient performance characteristics.
Better sensitivity of RP&AC devices can be achieved by increasing the number of observed parameters that characterize the operation conditions of the electric network component being protected. The article describes an approach to developing a universal multidimensional measuring and starting element that uses a specified combination of measured parameters and is able to replace the majority of existing measuring and starting elements, and which can also be used as part of a multiparametric relay protection device. The approach that involves multidimensional monitoring of the electric network operating conditions entails the need of tuning the measuring and starting element setpoints with the use of mesh functions and rectangular approximation of the actuation domains, thus opening the possibility of drawing up protection characteristics with an arbitrary form. For reducing the stored data volume and decreasing the computation burden on the processor, the setpoint refinement technology is used, which allows the protection characteristic to be shaped maximally close to the ideal one. Examples of tuning the multiparametric starting element using the technology of conditional setpoints are given.

Author Biographies


SHARYGIN Mikhail V. (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.Ye. Alekseyev (NNSTU), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Alexander L. KULIKOV

KULIKOV Alexander L. (NNSTU, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


PETROV Anton A. (JSC «Scientific-Research Institute of General Mashine-Building», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) — Leading Engineer


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