The Poynting Vector and New Theory of a Transformer. Part 9. Placement of Windings on Different Magnetic Circuit Limbs
It is shown that in a transformer with windings placed on different limbs of its magnetic circuit, the load active and reactive power are transmitted only by the winding halves arranged in the transformer aperture. In the areas where the winding external parts (outside the aperture boundaries) are located, the Poynting vector is a purely reactive quantity. In view of this finding, the approach according to which the operation of power transformers is explained by considering a transformer with the high- and low-voltage windings placed on different magnetic core limbs leads to a distorted picture of the physical processes in them. For transformers with windings spaced apart from each other, it is more convenient to use universal 6T equivalent circuits means that, first, they reflect all magnetic fluxes in the iron and in the transformer aperture and, second, that they can be used to analyze both steady-state conditions and transients. The validity of all statements formulated in the article is confirmed by the vector potential and flux function distribution patterns within the transformer boundaries. This approach makes it possible to obtain a clear explanation of the occurrence of superfluxes and antifluxes (in comparison with the no-load flux) in the limbs with the short-circuited state of one of the windings, which play the key role in estimating the electrodynamic withstand capacity of transformers.
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