Limitation of Inrush Currents in Electric Drives Containing Induction Motors with a Squirrel-Cage Rotor

  • Abduvakhob M. SHAMSIYEV
Keywords: electric drive, induction motor, squirrel-cage rotor, inductance


The article proposes a method for limiting inrush currents in electric drives operating under heavy startup conditions and with an abruptly variable load that contain induction motors with a squirrel cage rotor. According to the proposed method, an inductance is connected in the motor stator circuit through an uncontrolled rectifier. During the startup, the motor must develop an increased torque necessary, first, to overcome the resistance torque of the speeded up machine and, second, for imparting kinetic energy to the inertial masses. In view of this, the motor consumes large amount of energy, which is manifested in an increased startup current taken from the network and in increased heating of motor windings. A procedure for calculating the main inductance parameters and transients is presented. The advantages and the application field of the method are analyzed.

Author Biographies


SHAMSIYEV MukimV. (A Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (NRU «MPEI»), Dushanbe, Republic of Tadjikistan) — Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor


ABDULKERIMOV Sagit A. (A Branch of NRU «MPEI», Dushanbe, Republic of Tadjikistan) — Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director

Abduvakhob M. SHAMSIYEV

SHAMSIYEV Abduvakhob M. (Closed Joint-Stok Company «Faroz», Dushanbe, Republic of Tadjikistan) — Engineer-electrician


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