Statistical Characteristics of the Frequency in a Grid Connected to the Power Pool via a Weak Link
The statistical characteristics of the frequency in a grid connected to a power pool via a weak link under the conditions of random load fluctuations at the network nodes are considered. It is supposed in the analysis that a small grid is connected to the power pool via a link that operates close to its limit mode, so that random load fluctuations, short circuit faults, and other disturbances give rise to short-term out-of-step modes. The average number of loss-of-synchronism and recovery occurrences, the parameters characterizing step-like changes of frequency and phase in the small grid, and other parameters depending on the mode severity and active power flow direction are considered. A switched model describing random frequency fluctuations in the small grid in normal and limit modes of its operation is presented. Step-like changes of frequency and phase in the smaller grid can serve as an indicator characterizing the proximity of the system to the limit (emergency) mode. An analogy in the behavior of phase and frequency in communication systems with frequency modulation (FM) and in electric power systems is pointed out.
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