A Switched Permanent-Magnet Generator with a Stabilized Output Voltage Equipped with a Reversible Voltage Booster Channel
To solve the problem of (i) stabilizing the output voltage of the machine-electronic generating system (MEGS-1) comprising a synchronous electric machine excited from permanent magnets (PMG) connected in series with an adjustable rectifier unit (ARU) and (ii) reducing the ARU rated capacity, it is proposed to regulate only part of the output energy flow by supplementing the noncontrolled rectifier with an adjustable reversible voltage booster channel (RVBC). By using computer simulation (CS), a required clarity is brought in understanding of the physical processes occurring in the new MEGS-1 structure, and the feasibility of the design concept is proven. The proposed concept consists in stabilizing the MEGS-1 output voltage under the effect of disturbing inputs applied to the drive shaft rotation frequency and to the load in two modes of the reversible voltage booster channel operation: voltage boosting and voltage decreasing. In particular, the physical essence of the RVBC operation in the non-traditional mode of voltage decreasing is explained, and the conditions for its efficient operation are determined. For two voltage booster channel makeup versions, namely, the non-reversible (VBC) and reversible (RVBC) ones, models representing the correlations between their power (in fractions of the PMG power) and the drive shaft frequency variation ratio are proposed. By using the computer simulation techniques, the obtained results were checked for adequacy subject to commonly adopted assumptions. The minimum required information and methodological support for designing a new version of MEGS-1 has been developed.
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