Analyzing the Volume Charge Accumulation during Avalanche-to-Streamer Transitions in Air in Strong Uniform Electric Fields

  • Sergey V. BELOUSOV
Keywords: electric discharge in air, electron avalanche, avalanche-to-streamer transition, single avalanche-to-streamer transition, multi avalanche-to-streamer transition, mathematical modeling, critical number of electrons


The results from mathematical modeling of avalanche-to-streamer (ATS) transitions in a discharge gap with a strong uniform electric field are presented. The gap is filled with air under normal atmospheric conditions. A criterion for the ATS transition has been adopted, according to which the minimum value of the field strength E between the avalanche and its trace (Emin) must be equal to the critical value Ecr. At E = Ecr, the impact ioni.ation intensity of molecules by free electrons in electronegative gas is equal to the free electrons trapping intensity. Single avalanche-to-streamer (SATS) and multi avalanche-to-streamer (MATS) transitions have been studied. It is shown that in the MATS transition, free electrons are accumulated slower than in the SATS transition. As a result, the critical number of electrons necr accumulated in the avalanche at the time of the MATS transition is fewer than it is at the time of the o SATS transition. In the latter case, the values necr ≈4-108 were obtained if the single avalanche-to-streamer transition occurs far from the electrodes. If it occurs near them, the values of necr are somewhat larger.

Author Biographies


BELOGLOVSKY Andrey A. (National Researcher University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute » — NRU «MPEI» Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics, Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


BELOUSOV Sergey V. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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