Analyzing the Volume Charge Accumulation during Avalanche-to-Streamer Transitions in Air in Strong Uniform Electric Fields
The results from mathematical modeling of avalanche-to-streamer (ATS) transitions in a discharge gap with a strong uniform electric field are presented. The gap is filled with air under normal atmospheric conditions. A criterion for the ATS transition has been adopted, according to which the minimum value of the field strength E between the avalanche and its trace (Emin) must be equal to the critical value Ecr. At E = Ecr, the impact ioni.ation intensity of molecules by free electrons in electronegative gas is equal to the free electrons trapping intensity. Single avalanche-to-streamer (SATS) and multi avalanche-to-streamer (MATS) transitions have been studied. It is shown that in the MATS transition, free electrons are accumulated slower than in the SATS transition. As a result, the critical number of electrons necr accumulated in the avalanche at the time of the MATS transition is fewer than it is at the time of the o SATS transition. In the latter case, the values necr ≈4-108 were obtained if the single avalanche-to-streamer transition occurs far from the electrodes. If it occurs near them, the values of necr are somewhat larger.
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