Estimating the Effect of Gas Gap Nonuniformity on the Volume Barrier Discharge Characteristics

  • Nikolay Yu. LYSOV
  • Alexander V. ORLOV
  • Alexander G. TEMNIKOV
  • Tat’yana K. KIVSHAR
  • Marina V. SOKOLOVA
Keywords: volume barrier discharge, modeling, power density, ozone, coulomb-volt characteristic


The results from simulating the operation of ozone generators based on the volume barrier discharge
principle with taking into account the nonuniformity of their geometrical parameters are presented. The
effect the gas gap nonuniformity has on the barrier discharge power performance characteristics is
evaluated. The results from calculating the power density distribution along an ozone generator with a
monotonically varying gas gap size are presented. The power density distribution curves versus the gap width for different degrees to which the voltage exceeds its initial value are given for four types of ozone generators. New data on modeling the discharge processes in ozone generators with a nonuniform gap and on the influence of this nonuniformity on the discharge utilization efficiency are presented. The obtained results can be used in designing real ozonators, including large-capacity ones. Recommendations on selecting the optimal average gap size depending on the electrode manufacturing quality and on the gas gap setting up and adjustment accuracy are given.

Author Biographies

Nikolay Yu. LYSOV

LYSOV Nikolay Yu. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute – NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept.

Alexander V. ORLOV

ORLOV Alexander V. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Alexander G. TEMNIKOV

TEMNIKOV Alexander G. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


CHERNETSKIY Leonid L. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Associate Professor of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Tat’yana K. KIVSHAR

KIVSHAR Tat’yana K. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Junior Scientist of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept.


VOEVODIN VADIM V. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Scientist of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept.


SOKOLOVA Marina V. (NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Scientist of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Physics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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