About the Validity of Measurements in an Electric Power System with Electric Energy Storages

  • Yelena S. AKSAYEVA
Keywords: electric energy storages, electric power system,, measurements, gross errors


The validity and completeness of data in an electric power system are achieved by state estimation, which is aimed at filtering measurement errors and calculating unmeasured operating parameters. Highquality estimates can be obtained if there are no gross errors in measurements, which are revealedand eliminated at the stage of detecting erroneous data, provided the measurements are redundant. With the advent of renewable energy sources, many new facilities have been integrated into the power system, which are not fully equipped with measuring devices, due to which the parameters of such facilities are measured with insufficient redundancy. Under such conditions, and especially when it is difficult to predict the power output produced by stochastic and intermittent sources (wind and solar energy), the conventional validation methods do not always work in a proper way. A new method for revealing erroneous data is proposed, which is based on analyzing the strategy for controlling a storage battery in a power system containing wind farms. A fivenode test system containing a wind farm and a highcapacity storage battery with a simple control strategy (load switching) is considered. It is shown that by using the proposed method it is possible to detect gross errors in active power measurements under the conditions of low information redundancy.

Author Biographies


GLAZUNOVA Anna M. (Institute of the Systems of Energy of the Name M.A. Melent’yev of the Siberian Separation of Russian Academy of Sceinces (SSRAS), Irkutsk, Russia) – Senior Researcher, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


AKSAYEVA Yelena S. (SSRAS, Irkutsk, Russia) – Junior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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17. Glazunova A., Aksaeva E. An Increase in Information Security of Electric Power System with Wind Power Penetration under Low Redundancy of Measurements. – Proc. of the Intern. Conf. PowerTech. Milan 2019, 23–28 July.