Interpretation of Power Transformer Frequency Responses Using the Matrix of Winding Admittances

  • Vasily S. LARIN
  • Daniil A. MATVEYEV
  • Aleksey Yu. VOLKOV
Keywords: power transformers, condition assessment, frequency responses, frequency response analysis, frequency response interpretation


Frequency response analysis (FRA) is widely used to assess the mechanical and electrical conditions of the power transformer and shunt reactor windings. The requirements for the FRA and for frequency response measurement equipment have been standardized in the IEC 60076-18 standard. However, there still remain many questions concerned with interpreting the frequency response measurement results. As is well known, electrical faults and serious mechanical damages of certain transformer windings entail significant changes in the winding frequency responses. In the general case, the measured transformer winding is coupled with the other windings, a circumstance that has an effect on the frequency responses obtained for an individual winding and adds difficulty to assessing the condition of the transformer windings. It is shown—based on representing the transformer as a multiterminal circuit with the matrix of winding admittances—that the frequency responses measured according to the standard schemes are coupled with it. It is shown, taking as an example the transformer with a delta-connected winding, that the mutual influence of windings can lead in practice to an incorrectly assessed condition of individual winding phases. Matters concerned with the use of non-standard measurement schemes, including those for measuring the winding admittance matrix entries, are considered with the aim to obtain additional diagnostic information and interpreting the frequency response measurement results.

Author Biographies

Vasily S. LARIN

LARIN Vasily S. (All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow, Russia) — Head of the Department. Regular member of the CIGRE Study Committee», Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


MATVEYEV Daniil A. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» — NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) — Research Scientiist

Aleksey Yu. VOLKOV

VOLKOV Aleksey Yu. (All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow, Russia) — Head of Transformer Division Group


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2. IEEE C57.149-2012. IEEE Guide for the Application and Interpretation of Frequency Response Analysis for Oil-Immersed Transformers. ISBN 978-0-7381-8227-8.
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5. Volkov A.Yu., Drobyshevski A.A., Larin V.S., Matveev D.A., Drobyshevski S.A. Interpretation of Results of Diagnostics of Power Transformers by Using the Frequency Response Analysis. — 46th CIGRE Session. Report A2-115, Paris, France, 21—26 August 2016.
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7. Larin V.S., Matveev D.A., Volkov A.Yu. Application of natural frequencies deviations patterns and high-frequency white-box transformer models for FRA interpretation. — 47th CIGRE Session. Report A2-209, Paris, France, 26—31 August 2018.
8. Holdyk A., Gustavsen B., Arana I., Holboell J. Wideband Modeling of Power Transformers Using Commercial sFRA Equipment. — IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, June 2014, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1446—1553.
1. IEC 60076-18:2012. Power transformers. Part 18: Measurement of frequency response.
2. IEEE C57.149-2012. IEEE Guide for the Application and Interpretation of Frequency Response Analysis for Oil-Immersed Transformers. ISBN 978-0-7381-8227-8.
3. Picher P., Tenbohlen S., Lachman M., Scardazzi A., Patel P. Current state of transformer FRA interpretation. — Procedia Engineering, 2017, vol. 202, pp. 3-12.
4. Samimi M.H., Tenbohlen S. FRA interpretation using numerical indices: State-of-the-art. — International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2017, vol. 89, pp. 115—125.
5. Volkov A.Yu., Drobyshevski A.A., Larin V.S., Matveev D.A., Drobyshevski S.A. Interpretation of Results of Diagnostics of Power
Transformers by Using the Frequency Response Analysis. — 46th CIGRE Session. Report A2-115, Paris, France, 21—26 August 2016.
6. Larin V.S. Elektrichestvo — in Russ. (Electricity), 2018, No. 4, pp. 14—25.
7. Larin V.S., Matveev D.A., Volkov A.Yu. Application of natural frequencies deviations patterns and high-frequency white-box transformer models for FRA interpretation. — 47th CIGRE Session. Report A2-209, Paris, France, 26—31 August 2018.
8. Holdyk A., Gustavsen B., Arana I., Holboell J. Wideband Modeling of Power Transformers Using Commercial sFRA Equipment. — IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, June 2014, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1446—1553.