About Forecasting Accident Rate of Overhead Lines Main Grid Power System

  • Misrikhan Sh. MISRIKHANOV
  • Vladimir N. RYABCHENKO
  • Andrey V. SHUNTOV
Keywords: overhead lines, failure flow parameter, deterministic chaos, fractal, Lyapunov exponent, forecasting


The accident rate of overhead lines (OHL) of 500 kV of a large region over an extended time period was investigated. Significant fluctuations in the values of their failure flow parameter (failure frequency) were revealed. The indicated parameter was analyzed using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of deterministic (dynamic) chaos. An insignificant depth of forecasting the characteristics of the overhead line reliability due to the chaotic of the dynamic process under consideration is substantiated. This is an unfavorable factor that reduces the reliability of the power systems main grid.

Author Biographies


GALIASKAROV Irek M. (Branch of Center for Engineering and Construction Management JSC – CECM
Center) – Chief engineer


MISRIKHANOV Misrikhan Sh. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» –
NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Leading researcher of Electric Power Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


RYABCHENKO Vladimir N. (R&D Center FGS UES, Moscow, Russia) – Chief technologist


SHUNTOV Andrey V. (National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) – Chief researcher of
Electric Power Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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