Estimating the Spread of Potentials from the Substation Grounding Electrodes in Determining the Voltage Induced on the Disconnected Overhead Power Line
It is shown that during normal operation of a power system, a conductive component of induced voltage may arise apart from its inductive and capacitive components, which is caused by the spread of potentials from the substation grounding conductors to which the disconnected line is grounded. It has been established that under normal operation conditions the conductive voltage component may be several times higher than the maximum permissible induced voltage value. For determining the maximum possible induced voltage value at a certain point of the disconnected line, including its conductive component, an empirical method based on full-scale induced voltage measurements is proposed. The idea of the method consists in constructing an empirical formula for the induced voltage function in solving the inverse problem with subsequently determining the maximum possible induced voltage value by solving the direct problem. As a result, a procedure for determining the maximum possible value of the voltage induced at the considered point of the disconnected line with taking into account its conductive component has been developed.
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