The Design Procedure of the Magnetoelectric Generator for Power Supply Consumers Own Power Plant
This article explores the possibility of using synchronous generators with excitation from permanent magnets as a source of electric energy in power plants of the gas pipeline assembly’s own needs. The scheme of constructing a power supply system for gas air-cooling apparatus is given. A design procedure for the generator of auxiliary needs is proposed, described in the form of an algorithm, the important components of which are the analysis of electromagnetic processes and an accurate calculation of magnetic losses in the steel cores and permanent magnets. The implementation of these steps makes it possible to requirements for the elemental base of power static converters (rectifier and inverter) and their control systems on the one hand and determine volumetric heat emissions in the active parts of the generator for subsequent calculation of the temperature field on the other. As a result of the execution of the described design procedure, it was possible to reduce the material and time costs for creating a prototype that meets the requirements of the technical task as much as possible.
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2. Arnold Magnetic Technologies [Electron. Resourse] MAX-dt_12112014.pdf [Data of apple 17.04.2019]
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