Evaluаting the Role of Mutual Induction between the Track Coils in a High?Speed Train’s Electrodynamic Suspension System
A high-speed train with an electrodynamic suspension with discrete track coils, a superconducting excitation winding and a null-flux connection scheme of the suspension coils is considered. The influence of the individual coefficients of mutual inductance in the system of track coils on the average lift forces, lateral stabilization, electrodynamic resistance to motion and the amplitude of their pulsations as a function of speed is estimated. The change in the levitation quality parameter is analyzed depending on the mutual inductance of the suspension coils at all speeds of motion. For a given car mass m = 20 tons, the balance vertical offset (when the lift force compensates the car’s weight) is obtained from the speed of movement.
The dependence of the lateral and vertical stiffness of the system on speed is demonstrated. The dependence of the required lateral deviation of the train on the radius of the curve to be overcome is obtained.
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