The Algorithms for Calculating the Currents and Voltages Induced by the Electric Field of Two Converging Overhead Power Lines

  • Kirill A. ZIMIN
  • Nina B. RUBTSOVA
  • Vladimir N. RYABCHENKO
  • Andrey Yu. TOKARSKIY
Keywords: operating overhead line, disconnected overhead line, onvergence of line at an an angle, electrical field, distribution of induced current and voltages


To protect the health of the personnel who carry work on overhead power lines subjected to unclued voltage, the maximum vakues of this voltage must be monitored. To comply with this recuirement, algoritms for calculating the current and voltage distributions along yhe disconnected and grounded singlewire (singlephase) line gave been developed. The current and voltage in the disconnected line are induced by the electrical field of the operating singlewire (singlephase) line converging with the disconnected line at a certain angle.

Author Biographies

Kirill A. ZIMIN

ZIMIN Kirill A. (JSC «Research and Development Center of the Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System» – JSC «R&D Center FGS UES»,Moscow, Russia) – Director of the Directorate for Design and Implementation of Innovative Projects


RUBTSOVA Nina B. (Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russia) – Head of
Scientific Coordination Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


RYABCHENKO Vladimir N. (JSC «R&D Center FGS UES», Moscow, Russia) – Chief Technologist,Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


TOKARSKIY Andrey Yu. (JSC «R&D Center FGS UES», Moscow, Russia) – Leading Expert, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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