To the Calculation of Highly Dynamic Electric Motors

  • Kirill A. MODESTOV
  • Yury Ig. KOVAN
  • Lyudmila A. YEGOSHKINA
  • Denis V. RUSANOV
  • Dmitry V. GOLOVANOV
Keywords: high-performance motor, maximum speed, moment of inertia, the optimal parameters, the electromagnetic load, the superconducting coil


The use of electric drive in industrial and specialized facilities, and transport, in particular aircraft, requires the formation of transient processes of the drive a number of requirements aimed at achieving the desired level of either maximum performance or minimum level of losses, or limitation of dynamic loads in elements of kinematic diagram connecting the actuator with the actuator, or combination of these parameters. However, often increased interest is shown to highly dynamic motors with maximum angular speedup and braking. As is known, the speed of the electric motor is characterized by its electromechanical constant, which depends on the moment of inertia of the rotor, determined by its dimensions. Based on the analysis of the equations of motion of the motor defined by the ratio between the moment of inertia of the actuator and the moment of inertia for highly dynamic drive motor which delivers maximum speedup. This analysis was carried out taking into account the resonant phenomena, which limits the axial length of the rotor. The relations between the main dimensions of the high-dynamic motor providing the maximum speedup at the given load parameters are also determined. Recommendations on the choice of electromagnetic loads of such an motor are given. In particular, the ways of increasing the linear load contributing to the growth of the electromagnetic torque of the engine are considered. This is the possibility of cryogenic cooling, allowing the use of superconducting armature windings and excitation, as well as the correction of the geometry of the core, in particular the elongation of the tooth height. The latter is confirmed by numerical calculation of the electromagnetic moment of the four-pole reactive machine at different depths of the trapezoidal groove. The dependences characterizing the reduction of the active resistance of the phase winding during liquid nitrogen cooling are also given, which contributes to the increase of the linear load. Thus, the proposed design recommendations are given taking into account the possibility of developing an engine using superconducting windings.

Author Biographies


MODESTOV Kirill A. (National Research University «Moscow Aviation Institute» — NRU«MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Yury Ig. KOVAN

KOVAN Yury Ig. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


YEGOSHKINA Lyudmila A. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand.
Sci. (Eng.)


RUSANOV Denis V. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Ph. D. Student


GOLOVANOV Dmitry V. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci.(Eng.) (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.) — Research Fellow


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