Energy Expenditures in a High-Voltage Three-Phase AC Superconducting Cable
The basic circuit diagrams of cryogenic installations that can ensure the necessary temperature operation conditions of power cables on the basis of high-temperature superconductors are considered. Formulas for calculating the energy consumed for cooling the cable by means of closed- and open-type cryogenic installations are determined. The hydraulic losses determining the energy expenditures for pumping the cryoagent in the cable cryostat with corrugated shells are analyzed. The components of the power required to compensate for the losses in transmitting electric energy via a superconducting cable are determined. As a result, a procedure for calculating energy expenditures for cryogenic installations in different cycles of their operation is proposed. The hydraulic friction coefficient in the flexible cryostat shells is determined. The available empirical relations for estimating the hydraulic friction coefficient in a flexible cryostat are compared with one another.
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1. Yu.L. Buyanov. The thermal state of high-temperature superconducting current leads during disarrangement of superconductivity. Russian Electrical Engineering. March, 2019, v. 90, No. 3, pp. 246–255, DOI: 10.3103/s106837/2/9030064.
2. Buyanov Yu.L. Elektrichestvo – in Russ. (Electricity), 2019, No. 1, pp. 30–36.
3. Ho-Myung Chang, Ki Nam Ryu, Hyung SukYang. Integrated design of cryogenic refrigerator and liquid-nitrogen circulation loop for HTS cable. – Cryogenics, 2016, v. 80, part 2, pр. 183–192.
4. Gouge M.J., Demko J.A., Roden M.L., Maguire J.F., Weber C.S. Vacuum-insulated, flexible cryostats for long HTS cables: requirements, status and prospects. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 2008, v. 53B, pp. 1343–1350.
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