About the Filtering Properties of the Hysteresis Gyromotor Electromagnetic System in Mechatronic Devices
The article presents the results from analyzing the filtering properties of the electromagnetic system of hysteresis synchronous gyromotors used in mechatronic devices of autonomous object inertial navigation systems. The phase curren twave for minhysteresis synchronous motors powered from a self-excited voltage inverter is analyzed. The interrelation of the use drotormaterial and the stat or winding design parameters with the harmonic content of the motor's counter EMF as an information variable in mechatronic devices is shown with the use of the self-excited voltage inverter's informative properties. Are fine dma the matical model describing the generation of the gyromotor phase current in the self-excited voltage inverter swit chingintervals is proposed. The model was refined based on an analysis of electromagnetic processes in hysteresis synchronous motors with rotors made of Fe-Ni-Al and Fe-Co-Cr materials. Recommendations for using magnetic materials and specific design features of the hysteresis synchronous motor electromagnetic system for constructing gyro electric drives aresuggested.
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