The Influence of the Arc Current Waveform on the Electric Arc Steelmaking Furnace Equivalent Circuit Reactance
Difficulties encountered by specialists in determining the optimal charge material melting modes at all operation stages of electric arc steelmaking furnaces of different designs are described. It is proposed to solve the problem by using a procedure based on the electric arc heat transfer model. A formula for the arc furnace equivalent circuit reactance is suggested that takes into account the furnace design, the arc heat transfer intensity indicator in the specified melting stage, and the furnace impedance indicator. In solving the problem, the influence of such factors as the arc heat transfer conditions in the melting space, the thermal operation conditions of the electrodes, the arc length on the structure of heat fluxes in heating by arcs, and also the effect the working medium chemical composition has on the thermophysical characteristics of the arc column plasma are taken into account.
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