Interlocking Unauthorized Actuation of High-Speed Circuit Breakers of a DC Traction Network

Keywords: traction network, direct current, high-speed circuit breakers, differential shunts relay, interlocking of false actuation, simulation of a transient


Electric railway is a system of very complex interconnected technical structures. High-quality operation of the power supply system depends on successful solution of a number of technical tasks by applying an integrated approach and introducing various scientific-technical measures. The traction network state is becoming of special importance. When an electric locomotive’s pantograph moves along the branches of the insulating air gap and when a transition is made from one power supply zone to another, there is a high probability of false disconnection of power supply to the branch the electric stock drives in. This may happen due to specific characteristics according to which the protection devices come in action. In this case, an electric arc emerges between the moving pantograph of the electric locomotive and the branch it leaves; this arc burns out the contact system wires. A device ensuring uninterrupted operation of DC traction network elements when an electric locomotive passes the insulating air gap is presented. The protective device in the form of a differential shunt relay, the use of which makes it possible to disconnect the traction network feeding line at a small value of a rapidly changing short-circuit current, serves as a prototype. The results from simulating a transient that occurs under such conditions in the traction network feeding lines are presented. Based on the obtained data, the parameters of a circuit for interlocking false disconnections performed by high-speed circuit breakers in the traction network adjacent feeding lines have been developed

Author Biography


(Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow, Russia) – Senior Teacher of Electroenergetics of Transport Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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