Studying the Effect the Characteristics and Design of Electric Energy Storage Devices Have on the Operation of Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems
In connection with the development of alternative energy sources around the world, much attention is paid to the rapidly growing field of development and manufacture of flow batteries, devices using which it is possible to solve the network balancing problem under the conditions of unpredictable solar and wind energy generation patterns. These energy storage devices are in many respects similar to fuel cells, and researchers translate some design features of the latter to the design of flow batteries. Two designs of vanadium flow batteries are compared: a battery with the electrolyte flowing through a porous body and a battery with the electrolyte flowing through a serpentine-patterned channel. Additionally, the geometry of the serpentine-patterned channels is optimized to obtain a design with the best characteristics. The performance efficiency of the vanadium flow battery used as part of an uninterruptible power supply system is estimated. The study results show that the design with a serpentine-patterned channel, when estimated without taking into account the losses for operation of the pumps and pumping through the entire circuit, and during operation at 99,5 % of its capacity, has the maximum efficiency at a level of 88,2 %, whereas the design with the flow through a porous body and operating at the same power has the efficiency at a level of 85,3 %. An approach using which the parameters of a cell with a serpentine-patterned channel can be determined has been developed.
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