Introduction of the Low-Entropy Signal Concept
The article introduces the concept of a low-entropy signal as a time dependence that has a small variability coefficient. A high-entropy radio signal and a low-entropy electrical signal are compared. It is determined as a result of modeling that the variability coefficient of the electrical signal is 100 or more times smaller than the radio signal variability coefficient; therefore, this indicator is selected as a criterion for discrimination of electrical and radio signals. A conclusion is drawn about the need to improve the mathematical techniques for digital processing of signals for analyzing the currents and voltages in electric power systems. It is also shown that low entropy of an electrical signal can be used for improving the accuracy of instrumentation and control equipment. The effect of quantization noise degeneration into a set of harmonic components in modeling the analog-to-digital conversion of currents and voltages in measurement devices is considered. A procedure for compensating this effect by adding white Gaussian noise prior to carry out the quantization operation is proposed. A procedure that allows better accuracy of instrumentation and control equipment to be obtained by using the low entropy of an electric signal is presented. The analog-to-digital converter circuit diagram is given, and the gain in the conversion accuracy is estimated.
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