Microwave Materials Permittivity and Permeability Measurement Methods

  • Stanislav Yu. BOBROVSKIY
  • Andrey N. LAGAR’KOV
  • Konstantin N. ROZANOV
Keywords: permittivity, permeability, microwave frequency, measurement methods


Methods for measuring the microwave permittivity and permeability of materials are considered. The specific features and applicability conditions of measurement methods in transmission lines and in free space are shown, and the measurement errors are analyzed along with the calibration procedures applied for reducing the errors. Individual sections of the articles contain descriptions of scalar, resonance, quasistatic, and quasioptic methods. It has been determined that out of many existing techniques, the NicolsonRossWeir measurement method in a coaxial line and also the method for measuring the permeability of thin ferromagnetic films with the use of a shortcircuited strip cell are most widely applied. By using these methods, the majority of matters concerned with studying the microwave properties of materials can be solved.

Author Biographies

Stanislav Yu. BOBROVSKIY

Institut of Theoretical and Applied Electrodinamics of Russian Academy of Sciences (ITAE RAS), Moscow, Russia) — Junior Scientist


(ITAE RAS, Moscow, Russia) — Full Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.)

Konstantin N. ROZANOV

(ITAE RAS, Moscow, Russia) — Acting Director


1. Afsar M.N., Birch J.R., Clarke R.N. Proc. IEEE, 1986, vol. 74, 183 p.
2. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Riddle B.F. NIST Tech. Note 1536. Boulder, USA, 2004, 157 p.
3. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Grosvenor J.H., Geyer R.G. NIST Tech. Note 1355 R. Boulder, USA, 1993, 118 p.
4. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Riddle B., et al. NIST Tech. Note 1520. Boulder, USA, 2001,157 p.
5. Fenner R.A., Rothwell E.J., Frasch L.L. Radio Sci., 2012, vol. 47, RS1004 p.
6. Francsechetti G.G. Alta Freq, 1967, vol. 36, 757 p.
7. Misra D.K. In: Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, CRC Press. — IEEE Press, 2000, Ch. 46, pp. 461–46 12.
8. Musil J., Zasek F. Microwave Measurements of Complex Permittivity by Free
Space Methods and Their Application. NY: Elseiver, 1986, 276 p.
9. Brekhovskikh L.М. Volny v sloistykh sredakh, 2d izd. М.: Nauka, 1973, 343 p.
10. Roberts S., von Hippel A.J. Appl. Phys., 1948, vol. 17, 610 p.
11. Nicolson A.M., Ross G.F. IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas, 1970, vol. 19, 377 p.
12. Weir W.R. Proc. IEEE, 1974, vol. 62, 33 p.
13. Lefranqois S., Pasquet D., MazeMerceur G. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1996, vol. 44, No. 9, 1557 p.
14. Wilson S.B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1988, vol. 36, 752 p.
15. Champlin K.S., Glover G.H. J. Appl. Phys., 1966, vol. 37, 2355 p.
16. Guldbrandsen B. Proc. IEEE, 1986, vol. 74, 68 p.
17. Mason S.J. Proc. IRE, 1953, vol. 41, 1144 p.
18. Williams J. Microw. J., 1991, No. 3, 74 p.
19. Engen G.F., Hoer C.A. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1979, vol. 27, 987 p.
20. Liu L., Matitsine S.M., Gan Y.B., Rozanov K.N. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, vol. 98, Art. No. 063512.
21. Guba V.G., Ladur A.A., Savin A.A. Doklady TUSUR, 2011, No. 2 (24), ch. 1, 149 p.
22. Kruppa W., Sodomsky K.F. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 1971, vol. 19, No. 1, 122 p.
23. Rumiantsev A., Ridler N. IEEE Microw. J. June 2008, 86 p.
24. Heuermann H., Schiek B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1997, vol. 45, 408 p.
25. Randa J., Wiatr W., Billinger R.L. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1999, vol. 47, 2613 p.
26. WiatrW. Proc.MIKON1998.Krakow,Poland,1998,vol.2,363p.
27. Wiedmann F., Huyart B., Bergeault E., Jallet L.IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1999, vol. 48, No. 5, 927 p.
28. Zhu N.H., Qian C., Wang Y.L., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2003, vol. 51, 2000 p.
29. Agilent Network Analysis Applying the 8510 TRL Calibration for Non
Coaxial Measurements. Product Note 8510
8A, Agilent Technologies, 2001, 24 p.
30. Pan C. IEEE Trans. Signal Process, 2001, vol. 49, No. 2, 444p.
31. Rim K.S., Yun, B.I. Adv. Computat. Math., 2013, vol. 38, 683 p.
32. Agilent 85071E Material Measurement Software. Electron Resource] http://cp.literature.agilent.com/ litweb/pdf/5988
9472EN.pdf (Date of appeal 03.09.2020).
33. Borah S., Bhattacharyya N.S. PIER M, 2010, vol. 13, 53 p.
34. Hunton J.K., Pappas N.L. Hewlett Packard J., 1954, vol. 6, 1 p.
35. Starostenko S.N., Vinogradov A.P. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2002, vol. 51, 125 p.
36. Zhang J., Koledintseva M.Y., Pommerenke D.J., et al. Proc. 2006 IMTC. Sorrento, Italy, 2006, 462 p.
37. Milton G.W., Eyre D.J., Mantese J.V. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1997, vol. 79, 3062 p.
38. Kuzmenko A.B., van der Marel D., Carbone F., Marsiglio F. New J. Phys., 2007, vol. 9, 229 p.
39. Deng Y., Zhao L., Shen B., et al.J. Appl. Phys., 2006, vol. 100, Art. No. 014304.
40. Li J.G., Huang J.J., Qin Y., Ma F.Mat. Sci. Eng. B., 2007, vol. 138, 199 p.
41. Krupka J.J. Eur. Ceramic Soc., 2003, vol. 23, 2607 p.
42. Krupka J., Gregory A.P., Rochard O.C., et al. J. Eur. Ceramic Soc., 2001, vol. 21, 2673 p.
43. Starostenko S.N., Rozanov K.N. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2009, vol. 321, 3049 p.
44. Alanen E., Lahtinen T., Nuutinen J. Phys. Med. Biol., 1999, vol. 44, 169 p.
45. Langhe P.D., Blomme K., Martens L., Zutter D. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1993, vol. 42, 879 p.
46. Wu M., Yao X., Zhang L.Meas. Sci. Technol., 2000, vol. 11, 1617 p.
47. Xu Y., Bosisio R.G. J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., 1992, vol. 16, 1247 p.
48. BelhadjTahar N., FourrierLamer A., de Chanterac H. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1990, vol. 38, 1 p.
49. Kent G. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1996, vol. 45, 102 p.
50. Kent G. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1988, vol. 36, 1451 p.
51. BelhadjTakar N.E., FourierLamer A. J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., 1992, vol. 16, 1225 p.
52. Bottreau A.M., Merzouki A. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1993, vol. 42, 899 p.
53. Janezic M.D., BakerJarvis J. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1999, vol. 47, 2014 p.
54. Kobayashi Y., Sato J. CPEM’88: 1988 Conf. Precision Electromagn. Meas., Tsukuba, Japan, 1988, Digest., 143 p.
55. Kent G., Bell S.M. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1996, vol. 45, 98 p.
56. Matytsin S.M., Rozanov K.N., Simonov N.A. IEEE, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 987–990.
57. Yamaguchi M., Yabukami S., Arai K.I. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1997, vol. 33, 4044 p.
58. Liu Y., Chen L.F., Tan C.Y., et. al. Rev. Sci. Instr., 2005, vol. 76, Art. No. 063911.
59. Dzhurinskiy K. Elektronnyye komponenty, 2004, No. 9, p. 39.
60. Beguhn S., Zhou Z., Rand S., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 2012, vol. 111, Art. No. 07A503.
61. Takezawa M., Kikuchi H., Ishiyama K., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1997, vol. 33, 3400 p.
62. Vincent D., Rouiller T., Simovsky C., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2005, vol. 53, 1174 p.
63. Wiener O. Abh. Math. – Physichen Klasse Konigl. Sacsh. Gesel. Wissen., 1912, vol. 32, 509 p.
64. Bekker V., Seemann K., Leiste H. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2004, vol. 270, 327 p.
65. Hettstedt F., Schurmann U., Knochel R., Quandt E. Proc. 38th Eur. Microw. Conf. Amsterdam, 2008, 797 p.
66. Moraitakis E., Kompotiatis L., Pissas M., Niarchos D. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2000, vol. 222, 168 p.
67. Pain D., Ledieu M., Acher O., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 1999, vol. 85, 5151 p.
68. Shimada Y., Numazawa J., Yoneda Y., Hosono A.IEEE Trans. J. Magn. Japan., 1991, vol. 6, 987 p.
69. Yamaguchi M., Miyazawa Y., Kaminishi K., Arai K.I. Trans. Magn. Soc. Japan., 2003, vol. 3, 137 p.
70. Yamaguchi M., Miyazawa Y., Kaminishi K., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2004, vol, 268, 170 p.
71. Djerfaf F., Vincent D., Robert S., Merzouki A. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, vol. 56. Art. No. 30601.
72. Wu Y.Q., Tang Z.X., Xu Y.H., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2010, vol. 46, 886 p.
73. Chai G.Z., Yang Y.C., Zhu J.G., et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, vol. 96, Art. No. 012505.
74. Wang P.S., Zhang H.Q., Divan R., Hoffmann A. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2009, vol. 45, 71 p.
75. Sebastian T., Clavijo S.A., Diaz R.E. J. Appl. Phys., 2013, vol. 113, Art. No. 033906.
76. Yousefi L., Attia H., Ramahi O.M. PIER, 2009, vol. 90, 1 p.
77. Heuermann H., Schiek B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1997, vol. 45, 408 p.
78. Starostenko S.N., Rozanov K.N. Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2013, vol. 58, No. 11, 1113 p.
79. Queffelec P., Le Floc’h M., Gelin P. IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., 1998, vol. 47, 956 p.
80. Ding Y., Klemmer T.J., Crawford T.M. J. Appl. Phys., 2004, vol. 96, 2969 p.
81. Fessant A., Gerialtovski J., Loaec J., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 1994, vol. 133, 413 p.
82. Fessant A., Gieraltowski J., Loaec J., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1993, vol. 29, 82 p.
83. Pain D., Ledieu M., Acher O., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 1999, vol. 85, 5151 p.
84. Yoshida S., Ono H., Ando S., et al. IEEE Trans Magn., 2001, vol. 37, 2401 p.
85. Acher O., Jacquart P.M., Fontaine J.M., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1994, vol. 30, 4533 p.
86. Acher O., Le Gourrierec P., Perrin G., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1996, vol. 44, 674 p.
87. Lagarkov A.N., Kashurkin O. Yu., Maklakov S.А., et al. Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2012, No. 4, 441 p.
88. Iakubov I.T., Lagarkov A.N., Maklakov S.А., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2009, vol. 321, 726 p.
89. Liu Z.W., Liu Y., Yan L., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 2006, vol. 99, Art. No. 043903.
90. Zhang L., Zhu Z.W., Kuang R.X., et al. J. Inorganic Mater., 2010, vol. 25, 1150 p.
91. Afsar M.N., Birch J.R., Clarke R.N. Proc. IEEE, 1986,. vol 74, 183 p.
92. Ghodgaonkar D.K., Varadan V.V., Varadan V.K. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1989, vol. 37, 789 p.
93. Liu L., Matitsine S.M., Gan Y.B., Rozanov K.N. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, vol. 98, Art. No. 063512.
94. Lagarkov A.N., Matytsin S.M., Rozanov K.N., Sarychev A.K. J. Appl. Phys., 1998, vol. 84, 3806 p.
95. Hock K.M. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2006, vol. 54, 648 p.
96. Li J.G., Huang J.J., Qin Y., Ma F. Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 2007, vol. 138, 199 p.
97. Makhnovskiy D.P., Panina L.V., Garcia C., et al. Phys. Rev. B, 2006, vol. 74, Art. No. 064205.
98. Hollinger R.D., Jose K.A., Tellakula A., et al. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 2000, vol. 26, 100 p.
99. Korolev K.A., Chen S., Afsar M.N. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2008, vol. 44, 435 p.
100. Lagarkov A.N., Semenenko V.N., Chistyaev V.A., Iakubov I.T. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2012, vol. 324, 3402 p.
101. Zivkovic I., Murk A. J. Appl. Phys., 2012, vol. 111, Art. No. 114104.
1. Afsar M.N., Birch J.R., Clarke R.N. Proc. IEEE, 1986, vol. 74, 183 p.
2. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Riddle B.F. NIST Tech. Note 1536. Boulder, USA, 2004, 157 p.
3. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Grosvenor J.H., Geyer R.G. NIST Tech. Note 1355 R. Boulder, USA, 1993, 118 p.
4. BakerJarvis J., Janezic M.D., Riddle B., et al. NIST Tech. Note 1520. Boulder, USA, 2001,157 p.
5. Fenner R.A., Rothwell E.J., Frasch L.L. Radio Sci., 2012, vol. 47, RS1004 p.
6. Francsechetti G.G. Alta Freq, 1967, vol. 36, 757 p.
7. Misra D.K. In: Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, CRC Press. — IEEE Press, 2000, Ch. 46, pp. 461–46 12.
8. Musil J., Zasek F. Microwave Measurements of Complex Permittivity by Free
Space Methods and Their Application. NY: Elseiver, 1986, 276 p.
9. Brekhovskikh L.М. Volny v sloistykh sredakh, 2d izd. М.: Nauka, 1973, 343 p.
10. Roberts S., von Hippel A.J. Appl. Phys., 1948, vol. 17, 610 p.
11. Nicolson A.M., Ross G.F. IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas, 1970, vol. 19, 377 p.
12. Weir W.R. Proc. IEEE, 1974, vol. 62, 33 p.
13. Lefranqois S., Pasquet D., MazeMerceur G. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1996, vol. 44, No. 9, 1557 p.
14. Wilson S.B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1988, vol. 36, 752 p.
15. Champlin K.S., Glover G.H. J. Appl. Phys., 1966, vol. 37, 2355 p.
16. Guldbrandsen B. Proc. IEEE, 1986, vol. 74, 68 p.
17. Mason S.J. Proc. IRE, 1953, vol. 41, 1144 p.
18. Williams J. Microw. J., 1991, No. 3, 74 p.
19. Engen G.F., Hoer C.A. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1979, vol. 27, 987 p.
20. Liu L., Matitsine S.M., Gan Y.B., Rozanov K.N. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, vol. 98, Art. No. 063512.
21. Guba V.G., Ladur A.A., Savin A.A. Doklady TUSUR, 2011, No. 2 (24), ch. 1, 149 p.
22. Kruppa W., Sodomsky K.F. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 1971, vol. 19, No. 1, 122 p.
23. Rumiantsev A., Ridler N. IEEE Microw. J. June 2008, 86 p.
24. Heuermann H., Schiek B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1997, vol. 45, 408 p.
25. Randa J., Wiatr W., Billinger R.L. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1999, vol. 47, 2613 p.
26. WiatrW. Proc.MIKON1998.Krakow,Poland,1998,vol.2,363p.
27. Wiedmann F., Huyart B., Bergeault E., Jallet L.IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1999, vol. 48, No. 5, 927 p.
28. Zhu N.H., Qian C., Wang Y.L., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2003, vol. 51, 2000 p.
29. Agilent Network Analysis Applying the 8510 TRL Calibration for Non
Coaxial Measurements. Product Note 8510
8A, Agilent Technologies, 2001, 24 p.
30. Pan C. IEEE Trans. Signal Process, 2001, vol. 49, No. 2, 444p.
31. Rim K.S., Yun, B.I. Adv. Computat. Math., 2013, vol. 38, 683 p.
32. Agilent 85071E Material Measurement Software. Electron Resource] http://cp.literature.agilent.com/ litweb/pdf/5988
9472EN.pdf (Date of appeal 03.09.2020).
33. Borah S., Bhattacharyya N.S. PIER M, 2010, vol. 13, 53 p.
34. Hunton J.K., Pappas N.L. Hewlett Packard J., 1954, vol. 6, 1 p.
35. Starostenko S.N., Vinogradov A.P. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2002, vol. 51, 125 p.
36. Zhang J., Koledintseva M.Y., Pommerenke D.J., et al. Proc. 2006 IMTC. Sorrento, Italy, 2006, 462 p.
37. Milton G.W., Eyre D.J., Mantese J.V. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1997, vol. 79, 3062 p.
38. Kuzmenko A.B., van der Marel D., Carbone F., Marsiglio F. New J. Phys., 2007, vol. 9, 229 p.
39. Deng Y., Zhao L., Shen B., et al.J. Appl. Phys., 2006, vol. 100, Art. No. 014304.
40. Li J.G., Huang J.J., Qin Y., Ma F.Mat. Sci. Eng. B., 2007, vol. 138, 199 p.
41. Krupka J.J. Eur. Ceramic Soc., 2003, vol. 23, 2607 p.
42. Krupka J., Gregory A.P., Rochard O.C., et al. J. Eur. Ceramic Soc., 2001, vol. 21, 2673 p.
43. Starostenko S.N., Rozanov K.N. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2009, vol. 321, 3049 p.
44. Alanen E., Lahtinen T., Nuutinen J. Phys. Med. Biol., 1999, vol. 44, 169 p.
45. Langhe P.D., Blomme K., Martens L., Zutter D. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1993, vol. 42, 879 p.
46. Wu M., Yao X., Zhang L.Meas. Sci. Technol., 2000, vol. 11, 1617 p.
47. Xu Y., Bosisio R.G. J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., 1992, vol. 16, 1247 p.
48. BelhadjTahar N., FourrierLamer A., de Chanterac H. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1990, vol. 38, 1 p.
49. Kent G. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1996, vol. 45, 102 p.
50. Kent G. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1988, vol. 36, 1451 p.
51. BelhadjTakar N.E., FourierLamer A. J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., 1992, vol. 16, 1225 p.
52. Bottreau A.M., Merzouki A. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1993, vol. 42, 899 p.
53. Janezic M.D., BakerJarvis J. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 1999, vol. 47, 2014 p.
54. Kobayashi Y., Sato J. CPEM’88: 1988 Conf. Precision Electromagn. Meas., Tsukuba, Japan, 1988, Digest., 143 p.
55. Kent G., Bell S.M. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1996, vol. 45, 98 p.
56. Matytsin S.M., Rozanov K.N., Simonov N.A. IEEE, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 987–990.
57. Yamaguchi M., Yabukami S., Arai K.I. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1997, vol. 33, 4044 p.
58. Liu Y., Chen L.F., Tan C.Y., et. al. Rev. Sci. Instr., 2005, vol. 76, Art. No. 063911.
59. Dzhurinskiy K. Elektronnyye komponenty, 2004, No. 9, p. 39.
60. Beguhn S., Zhou Z., Rand S., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 2012, vol. 111, Art. No. 07A503.
61. Takezawa M., Kikuchi H., Ishiyama K., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1997, vol. 33, 3400 p.
62. Vincent D., Rouiller T., Simovsky C., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2005, vol. 53, 1174 p.
63. Wiener O. Abh. Math. – Physichen Klasse Konigl. Sacsh. Gesel. Wissen., 1912, vol. 32, 509 p.
64. Bekker V., Seemann K., Leiste H. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2004, vol. 270, 327 p.
65. Hettstedt F., Schurmann U., Knochel R., Quandt E. Proc. 38th Eur. Microw. Conf. Amsterdam, 2008, 797 p.
66. Moraitakis E., Kompotiatis L., Pissas M., Niarchos D. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2000, vol. 222, 168 p.
67. Pain D., Ledieu M., Acher O., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 1999, vol. 85, 5151 p.
68. Shimada Y., Numazawa J., Yoneda Y., Hosono A.IEEE Trans. J. Magn. Japan., 1991, vol. 6, 987 p.
69. Yamaguchi M., Miyazawa Y., Kaminishi K., Arai K.I. Trans. Magn. Soc. Japan., 2003, vol. 3, 137 p.
70. Yamaguchi M., Miyazawa Y., Kaminishi K., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2004, vol, 268, 170 p.
71. Djerfaf F., Vincent D., Robert S., Merzouki A. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, vol. 56. Art. No. 30601.
72. Wu Y.Q., Tang Z.X., Xu Y.H., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2010, vol. 46, 886 p.
73. Chai G.Z., Yang Y.C., Zhu J.G., et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2010, vol. 96, Art. No. 012505.
74. Wang P.S., Zhang H.Q., Divan R., Hoffmann A. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2009, vol. 45, 71 p.
75. Sebastian T., Clavijo S.A., Diaz R.E. J. Appl. Phys., 2013, vol. 113, Art. No. 033906.
76. Yousefi L., Attia H., Ramahi O.M. PIER, 2009, vol. 90, 1 p.
77. Heuermann H., Schiek B. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1997, vol. 45, 408 p.
78. Starostenko S.N., Rozanov K.N. Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2013, vol. 58, No. 11, 1113 p.
79. Queffelec P., Le Floc’h M., Gelin P. IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas., 1998, vol. 47, 956 p.
80. Ding Y., Klemmer T.J., Crawford T.M. J. Appl. Phys., 2004, vol. 96, 2969 p.
81. Fessant A., Gerialtovski J., Loaec J., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 1994, vol. 133, 413 p.
82. Fessant A., Gieraltowski J., Loaec J., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1993, vol. 29, 82 p.
83. Pain D., Ledieu M., Acher O., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 1999, vol. 85, 5151 p.
84. Yoshida S., Ono H., Ando S., et al. IEEE Trans Magn., 2001, vol. 37, 2401 p.
85. Acher O., Jacquart P.M., Fontaine J.M., et al. IEEE Trans. Magn., 1994, vol. 30, 4533 p.
86. Acher O., Le Gourrierec P., Perrin G., et al. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Techn., 1996, vol. 44, 674 p.
87. Lagarkov A.N., Kashurkin O. Yu., Maklakov S.А., et al. Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 2012, No. 4, 441 p.
88. Iakubov I.T., Lagarkov A.N., Maklakov S.А., et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2009, vol. 321, 726 p.
89. Liu Z.W., Liu Y., Yan L., et al. J. Appl. Phys., 2006, vol. 99, Art. No. 043903.
90. Zhang L., Zhu Z.W., Kuang R.X., et al. J. Inorganic Mater., 2010, vol. 25, 1150 p.
91. Afsar M.N., Birch J.R., Clarke R.N. Proc. IEEE, 1986,. vol 74, 183 p.
92. Ghodgaonkar D.K., Varadan V.V., Varadan V.K. IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 1989, vol. 37, 789 p.
93. Liu L., Matitsine S.M., Gan Y.B., Rozanov K.N. J. Appl. Phys., 2005, vol. 98, Art. No. 063512.
94. Lagarkov A.N., Matytsin S.M., Rozanov K.N., Sarychev A.K. J. Appl. Phys., 1998, vol. 84, 3806 p.
95. Hock K.M. IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., 2006, vol. 54, 648 p.
96. Li J.G., Huang J.J., Qin Y., Ma F. Mat. Sci. Eng. B, 2007, vol. 138, 199 p.
97. Makhnovskiy D.P., Panina L.V., Garcia C., et al. Phys. Rev. B, 2006, vol. 74, Art. No. 064205.
98. Hollinger R.D., Jose K.A., Tellakula A., et al. Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., 2000, vol. 26, 100 p.
99. Korolev K.A., Chen S., Afsar M.N. IEEE Trans. Magn., 2008, vol. 44, 435 p.
100. Lagarkov A.N., Semenenko V.N., Chistyaev V.A., Iakubov I.T. J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 2012, vol. 324, 3402 p.
101. Zivkovic I., Murk A. J. Appl. Phys., 2012, vol. 111, Art. No. 114104.