All-mode Validation of Calculations in the Analysis of Electric Power
The transient stability is the main condition for reliability and survivability operation of electric power system. The transient stability analysis is an extremely complex problem. It uses the results of numerical integration of differential equations that form a mathematical model of the power system. However, the mathematical model of a large-scale power system contains a rigid nonlinear system of extremely high-order differential equations. Such system cannot be solved analytically. The simplifications and limitations are used for improving the conditionality of the power system mathematical model in time-domain simulation. It decreases the reliability and accuracy of the simulation results. In this regard, it becomes necessary to validate them. The most reliable way of validation is to compare simulation results with field data. However, it is not always possible to receive the necessary amount of field data due to many power system states and a large amount of disturbances leading to instability. The paper proposes an alternative approach for validation: using an adequate model standard instead of field data. The prototype of Hybrid Real Time Power System Simulator having the necessary properties and capabilities has been used as the reference model. The appropriate sequence of actions has been developed for validation. The adequacy of proposed approach is illustrated by the fragments of the experimental studies
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