Уравнения магнитоэлектрического вентильного двигателя при витковых замыканиях обмотки статора

  • Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV
Keywords: switched permanent-magnet motor, turn-to-turn short-circuits faults, number of short-circuited turns, imbalanced and non-sinusoidal phase currents and voltages, current frequency and ratios


The article considers the differential equations of a switched permanent magnet motor in which a short-circuit fault occurred in one or more turns in one of parallel stator winding branches. Owing to the occurred asymmetry of the phase quantities, symmetrical line-to-line voltages at the stator winding terminals are assumed. It is shown that turn-to-turn short-circuit faults give rise to non-sinusoidal and imbalanced phase currents and voltages at the nominal load torque on the shaft, and it should be noted that initially, a growth of the frequency and ratios of currents in the phases with an increase in the number of short-circuited turns are observed, after which the phase currents tend to decrease (with a continuing growth in the current through the short-circuited loop), and the rotor stalling occurs. The growth of motor rotation frequency and decrease of its overloading capacity take place due to a growth in the demagnetizing effect of armature reaction caused by the current through the short-circuited stator winding turns.

Author Biography

Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV

(Chuvash. State University, Cheboksary, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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