Refining the Torque Calculation Models in Designing Salient-Pole Inductor Motors

  • Alexsander Yu. SMIRNOV
  • Yekaterina N. ALEKSANDROVA
  • Andrey Yu. ZIMIN
Keywords: inductor motor, magnetic circuit, semigraphical calculation method, tooth zone, stator bore, electromagnetic torque


The article suggests a procedure for designing salient-pole inductor motors with developed tooth structures on the rotor and stator, which is supplemented by nonlinear calculation of a fragmentary magnetic circuit model with subsequently refining the saturation coefficient. The calculation is carried out using the semigraphical method before and after displacement of the rotor from the position of maximum air gap permeance by half the rotor tooth division with respect to teeth on the stator pole extension. Owing to introducing a weakly branched nonlinear magnetic circuit model into the design algorithm, in became possible to elaborate detail designs of motors for important electric drives of automatic systems, which confirmed their declared characteristics. It is noted that demagnetization of the magnetic circuit ferromagnetic areas, which is determined by calculation on the nonlinear model after turning the rotor by half the tooth division from the coaxial position, is the criterion of the correctly selected tooth area geometric parameters and electromagnetic loads.

Author Biographies

Alexsander Yu. SMIRNOV

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.Ye. Alekseyev (NSTU), Russia) — Associate Professor of Theoretical and General Electrotechnics Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


(NSTU, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) — Senior Teacher of Theoretical and General Electrotekhnics Dept.

Andrey Yu. ZIMIN

(NSTU, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) — Ph.D. Student


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