GOELRO plan is 100 years old

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
Keywords: state Plan for Electrification of Russia, Commission for Electrification, advent of technocracy in Russia, significance of the plan in the soviet history, history and sociology of engineering


The historical context in which the State Plan for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) was developed, establishment of the GOELRO Commission, the GOELRO Plan content, the specific features of its implementation, and the role of the plan in the soviet period of Russia’s history are considered. Attention is paid to the electrification plants of other countries and territories of all inhabited continents, and to the participation of states in the electrification of countries and regions with small-scale and agricultural production in the 1920 s. The specific features pertinent to the electrification of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic are pointed out, namely, low starting conditions (in 1923, the energy consumption per capita in Russia was 100 times lower than that in Norway), its being state-owned in nature and revolutionary in its purpose: to get done with the main upheavals in the country and to shift the national economy for fore efficient production. The role of V.I. Lenin and G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, who were the initiators of the electrification of Russia, is analyzed in detail. A conclusion is drawn about the need to study both the GOELRO Plan itself and the specific features and circumstances of its implementation within the framework of training modern specialists in electrical engineering.

Author Biography


(National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (NRU «MPEI»), Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Department of Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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