From the GOELRO Plan to the Global Electric Power Internet
The GOELRO Plan adopted 100 years ago is briefly characterized, and the importance and necessity of its adoption under the conditions of post-revolution devastation and foreign intervention are substantiated. It is pointed out that the scales of the modern electric power industry are incommensurable with those the plan developers imagined in their dreams. The article tells about the establishment of large state, interstate, and intercontinental electric power systems and pools that make it possible to usefully utilize the system effects, which are profitable to all participants of the pools. It is pointed out that radical changes have occurred in the technology of energy generation, transmission, distribution, storage, and consumption, and also that transformations have occurred in the structure and properties of the systems. Digitalization of the systems implies improvement in the efficiency of production processes and development of new software products to perform control of substations, regional networks, etc. The future electric power systems will acquire the response of well-developed intelligent cyber-physical systems operating on the principles of electric power internet.
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