The Poynting Vector and the New Theory of a Transformer. Part 11. Three-Phase Three-Core Transformers without a Neutral Wire
A topological equivalent circuit for a three-phase three-core transformer reflecting the spatial structure of its magnetic system is developed. Owing to this approach, it became possible to represent the magnetic fluxes of the magnetic circuit’s all main sections and the apertures for each of three phases directly in the circuit in the absence of the windings’ neutral wires. The circuit is constructed by stitching together the anatomical circuit models of single-phase transformers obtained in the previous parts with taking into account the relationships between the fluxes at the junctions of the phase zones in iron. Its validity is confirmed by the rigor nature of the physical and mathematical relations for idealized transformers with infinite magnetic permeability of iron and simplified magnetic field patterns, which corresponds to the generally accepted approach with neglecting the magnetization currents. The difference lies in the fact that the developed model takes into account the heterogeneity of magnetization in different parts of the magnetic circuit with allocating more than 30 sections in the iron and apertures. The transition to the model of a real three-core transformer is carried out by adding four nonlinear transverse magnetization branches in each extreme phase zone and eight branches in the central phase zone to the idealized equivalent circuit. It is shown that in cases of winding connections without neutral wires, there is no flux of the Poynting vector in interphase zones in any unbalanced mode. In this case, the problems connected with the occurrence of fluxes exceeding the no-load fluxes under the conditions of symmetric and asymmetric short circuits, as well as the occurrence of buckling fluxes in these modes in the region outside the transformer iron, are solved.
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