Diagnostics of Linear Electric Circuits by Nodes with the Minimal Number of Unknown Parameters
The star method and the links-tree method used for electric circuit diagnostics are improved. To decrease the number of experiments and measurements, it is proposed to carry out diagnostics by nodes with the lowest degree. The approach is illustrated by examples of diagnosing circuits with nodes accessible and inaccessible for measurements. In the circuits having nodes accessible for measurements it is proposed to carry out measurements on the tree branches composed of branches incident to the nodes with the lowest degree. It is exactly such branches that are selected as the top-priority ones for diagnostics. By diagnosing their parameters it becomes possible to decrease the necessary number of experiments and, hence, the number of measurements. For diagnosing the next branches that are incident to nodes with a higher degree, additional experiments may not be needed, because the parameters of certain branches are already known. In the configurations the scheme of which is partially inaccessible for measurements, diagnostics of branch parameters is additionally based on drawing up the circuit determinants of compensated schemes in the system’s inaccessible part. The practical aim of the article is to achieve a fewer number of experiments and measurements in diagnosing linear electric circuits.
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