Driving Forces and Lines of the Evolution of Rotating Electrical Machines. Part 2
The advent and development o/ such class o/ technical systems as electrical machines is only one element o/ those composing the technical progress, which, in turn, is one o/ elements composing the human civilization. Technical progress can be imaged as an entanglement o/ many «streams», each containing the development, putting in use, operation, and disappearance o/ a technical system. Technical progress is advanced through practical implementation o/ a multitude and variety o/ improvements. Any technical system is developed through embodying various ideas, which results in a change o/ a given system or development o/ a new system. An attempt is made to briefly describe all significant elements in the evolution o/ electrical machines (EMs). The role o/ large inventions and moderate improvements is shown; examples o/ evolution trends, patterns and lines are given; the evolution o/ EMs in the «supersystem-system-subsystem coordinate axes is described, and it is shown how applications determine the requirements /or EMs. Examples o/ the evolution o/ the materials used in EMs are considered. The role o/ individuals, teams, and organizations is discussed. Particular examples o/ evolution lines are given, and the counter/orces and limitations are described.
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8. Goss W.R. Evolution of permanent-magnet fractional-horsepower size motors and generators, in transactions of the American institute of electrical engineers. Part III: Power apparatus and systems, vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 81-84, April 1953, doi: 10.1109/AIEEPAS.1953.4498606.
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10. Lahne H.-C., Moros O., Gerling D. Design considerations when developing a 50000 rpm high-speed high-power machine, 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’15 ECCE-Europe), Geneva, 2015, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/EPE.2015.7311716.
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12. Eize de Vries, Close up – Sway Turbine’s ST10 10MW turbine October 22, 2012, Wind Power Online Magazine [Elektron. Resourse] https://www.windpowermonthly.com (Data of appeal 19.06.2020).