Determination of Damping Factors Based on the Measured Frequency Responses of Power Transformer Windings. Part 2. Analysis of Measurement Results
In the first part of the article, based on the results of theoretical studies performed for a simplified transformer winding equivalent scheme, it was shown that the damping factors can be estimated from the width of the resonant peaks of the frequency responses of the module and the reactive component of the voltage at the midpoint of the equivalent scheme, as well as the active component of the input admittance and neutral current of the considered resonant scheme.
In this part of the article, the practical possibility of applying the obtained theoretical relations between the damping factors and the width of resonant peaks in relation to the frequency responses of power transformer windings is considered.
The results of calculations of the damping factors at the two power transformers made by using the fitting of the free component of transient voltage and by determining the width of the resonance peaks of the active component of winding neutral current and the voltage transfer function, corresponding to intermediate points of the winding. It is shown that the evaluation of the values of the winding damping factors can be performed as a byproduct of transformer condition assessment by frequency response analysis (FRA).
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