Проектирование магнитоэлектрических машин с кольцевой обмоткой якоря
Design strategy of synchronous machines with annular armature winding and rotor placed PMs is discussing, which can provide advantages instead of general ones with drum armature winding in two-pole machine magnetic systems with developed outer diameter. Tie derivations between of stator bore volume, torque and electromagnetic loads via Magnetic constant (Arnold’s), equations for linear load, for PMs magnetic conductivity in dependence from rated parameters of magnetically hard material, for phase’s EMF. Slots filling by areas of rectangular wires and of coil and major insulation are taking into consideration. Numerical testing, executed via torque-angle (static) curves calculation by means of finite-element method, shows that the motors, that designed with appropriated torque multiplicity are satisfying to initial technical requirements, that is confirms methodic validity. During numerical testing tooth harmonics, provided by stator tooth structure, influence was evaluating and was given recommendations for reduction this influence. The results of power and torque characteristics comparison with traditional machine supplied by drum winding represented, which confirms capability of declared advantages receipt.
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