State Estimation of an AC Overhead Power Line Using the Relinearization Method
As is well known, dispatch control centers receive information about the electric power system operation mode from a supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) and phasor measurement units (PMU) in the form of remote measurements and remote signals. The remote measurements contain information on the power system operating parameters, and remote signals contain information on the positions of switching equipment. The controlled facility state estimation problem is conventionally solved using iteration methods because the system of state equations is nonlinear in nature. The application of the Kipnis-Shamir method makes it possible to transform the nonlinear system of algebraic equations into a linear system in a non-iterative manner by replacing quadratic state variables, after which the obtained linear system is solved parametrically. By applying a second transformation of variables, the system of algebraic equations is transformed into a second system of linear equations, after which the solution of this system and the quadratic system of linear equations, and, hence, also the initial system of nonlinear equations are found. The application of the non-iterative approach is considered on the example of estimating the state of a 500 kV overhead power line.
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10. Jiang X.T., Chow J.H., Fardanesh B., Maragal D., Stefopouls G., Razanousky M. Power system state estimation using a direct non-iterative method. – International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2015, vol. 73, pp. 361–368.
11. Balametov A., Halilov E., Isayeva T. On the increasing of accuracy of power transmission lines modes mathematical modeling. – Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control and Optimization with industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2018, pp. 98–101.
12. Balametov A.B., Halilov E.D., Isayeva T.M. Non-Iterative estimation of the AC overhead line state by relinearization method. – E3S Web of conferences 216, 01051 (2020)