Development of Induction Heating Technologies

  • Viktor B. DEMIDOVICH
Keywords: surface induction hardening, metal processing in an alternating electromagnetic field, computer simulation


In 1935, Professor V.P. Vologdin and engineer B.N. Romanov conducted successful experiments on the use of high frequency currents (HFC) for induction surface hardening. The overwhelming success of this technology at tank factories during the Great Patriotic War was highly appreciated by the government of the USSR and in 1947 the All-Union Research Institute of High Frequency Currents (VNIITVCH) was created. The article discusses the organization of scientific research at the institute and at the department of Saint. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI), the features of the organization of the educational process, the achievements of recent years and promising areas of research on metal processing in an alternating electromagnetic field.

Author Biography


(St. Petersburg State Electrical Engineering University «LETI», St. Petersburg, Russia) – Chief Research Officer, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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7. Demidovitch V. Special software IndHeat for modeling induction heating processes Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Electric and Magnetic Fields EMF`96, Liege, Belgium, May 1996,
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2. Muehlbauer A. History of Induction Heating and Melting. Essen: Vulkan Verlag, 2008, 212 p.
3. Roginsky V.Yu. Valentin Petrovich Vologdin, 1881–1953 (Valentin Petrovich Vologdin, 1881–1953). L.: Nauka, 1981, 215 p.
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7. Demidovitch V. Special software IndHeat for modeling induction heating processes Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Electric and Magnetic Fields EMF`96, Liege, Belgium, May 1996, pp. 273– 278.
From the history of electrical engineering