Application of the System Nesting Technology for Studying the Invariance of a Complex Electric System Output in Terms of State Variables
The presented technique for synthesizing the electric system controller based on the system nesting technology is sufficiently simple because it is based on the modern theory of matrices suited for computer applications and therefore can be recommended for investigating complex automatically controlled electric power systems. The conditions for invariance of the electric system output with a synthesized controller to arbitrary external disturbances are substantiated using the matrix canonization method, which serves as a basis of the system nesting technology. The main distinctive feature of using the system nesting technology consists in a reduced amount of computation efforts because this technology rests on matrix analysis techniques, for which software packages have been developed. Another important aspect is that the class of controllers imparting the required dynamic properties to the studied systems, including invariance, is described analytically. The obtained results demonstrate high efficiency of the system nesting technology, due to which it can be recommended for being used in performing dispatch control of complex electrical systems.
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