Application of Asynchronized Generators in Electric Networks with Degraded Electric Power Quality
For decentralized power generation, small-capacity asynchronized generators (AGs) can be used, which are able to yield a number of positive effects in comparison with conventional synchronous machines: higher stability limits, wider reactive power adjustment ranges, simpler synchronization with the grid due to the ability to control the EMF phase, and the possibility to maintain synchronous operation in case of failure in one of the field windings. The article describes the model of a grid equipped with asynchronized generators with automatic excitation and rotor speed control systems, which is developed in the MATLAB software package environment. Normal and emergency operation modes of a 35 kV grid with distributed generation plants based on asynchronized machines under the conditions of degraded electric power quality due to the presence of electric traction loads are simulated. The influence of AGs on emergency and post-emergency modes are determined, and the harmonic distortion levels are estimated. For comparison, the grid operation modes are simulated for the case of using synchronous machines as generation sources. The influence of higher harmonic components on the performance of the proposed automatic control system is analyzed. The obtained study results have shown that with using asynchronized generators, better control processes and better quality of electric power are obtained in comparison with those in a grid equipped with synchronous machines; in addition, the stability limits are increased, and the synchronization processes are simplified.
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