Controlling a Direct Matrix Frequency Converter of Secondary Power Supply Sources for Autonomous Objects
A version of using "sliding modes" in performing discontinuous control of dynamic objects for matrix frequency converters (MFC) as part of an on-board aircraft network is proposed. Unlike the way used in the existing MFC control algorithms, the sinusoidal voltages available in the primary network are processed according to the proposed modernized technology of "sliding modes". The level of discontinuous voltages is selected from the condition of minimum deviations from the target, which has a favorable effect on the spectrum of output voltages. On the selected time interval, the input primary network phase voltages and the specified output network phase voltages are sampled. A positive minimum difference between the primary network phase voltage closest to its desired value and the specified secondary network phase voltage is produced. This difference acts as a positive discontinuous control. A negative difference acts as a negative discontinuous control. Over the calculated interval, the average deviation from the specified phase voltage is zero. Owing to this feature, the smallest distortions in the MFC output voltage spectrum are obtained at arbitrary loads and evolutions of the primary network voltage frequency and amplitude. Versions of three-phase and six-phase primary sources are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed version of using "sliding modes" has been confirmed by simulation.
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