Optimizing a Modular Half-Speed Synchronous Generator and Implementing Its Voltage Control System Based on a Neural Network
A method for optimizing the parameters of a modular half-speed synchronous generator with permanent magnets (PMSG) and the generator voltage control system with a neural network-based algorithm are proposed. The basic design scheme of the modular half-speed PMSG is considered, which features a compact layout of the generator main parts, thereby ensuring the optimal use of the working volume, smaller sizes of the magnetic system, and smaller mass of the active materials used in manufacturing the machine. Owing to the simple and reliable design of the generator, its output parameters can be varied in a wide range with using standard electrical circuits for voltage stabilization and current rectification along with an additional voltage regulation unit. Owing to this feature, the design scheme of the considered generator has essential advantages over the existing analogs with a common cylindrical magnetic core. In view of these circumstances, the development of a high-efficient modular half-speed PMSG as an autonomous DC power source is of both scientific and practical interest; this generator can be used to supply power to a large range of electricity consumers located in rural areas, low-rise residential areas, military communities, allotments etc. In solving the problem of optimizing the generator’s magnetic system, the main electrical machine analysis equation is obtained. The optimal ratios of the winding wire mass to the mass of permanent magnets and of the PM height to the air gap value for achieving the maximum specific useful power output have been determined. An analytical correlation between the optimal design parameters of a half-speed modular PMSG and its power performance parameters has been established. The expediency to develop a neural network-based control system is shown. The number of load-bearing modules of the half-speed PMSG is determined depending on the wind velocity, load factor and the required output voltage. The neural network was trained on the examples of a training sample using a laboratory test bench. The neural network was implemented in the MatLab 2019b environment by constructing a synchronous generator simulation model in the Simulink software extension. The possibility of using the voltage control system of a half-speed modular PMSG with a microcontroller for operation of the neural network platform of the Arduino family (ArduinoDue) independently of the PC is shown.
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