Assessing the Consequences of Induction Motor Failures Caused by Broken Bars of Squirrel-Cage Rotor Windings
Despite the great attention paid by Russian and foreign authors to the problem of timely fault detection in the squirrel-cage rotor windings of high-voltage induction motors, the papers published by them pay little attention to issues related to substantiating the need for carrying out the relevant studies. However, this is especially important for high-voltage electric motors used in power plant auxiliaries. The aim of the study is to assess the consequences from failure of induction motors used in power plant auxiliaries caused by a break of the rotor winding bars. Assessment of the failure consequences is an important component of the transition to risk-oriented management of induction motors operation. The main components of the failure consequences and the resulting economic damage are identified. It is shown that failures of high-voltage induction motors caused by broken rotor bars can lead to economic damage of several million rubles. It has been found, based on computer simulation results, that during operation of induction motors with broken rotor bars, their magnetic and electrical losses increase significantly. The study results have shown that the economic damage may also be significant during long-term operation of a large number of induction motors with this type of failure. The accomplished assessment of the failure consequences in money terms confirms the relevance and necessity to perform functional monitoring of the state of the rotor windings of high-voltage induction motors used in the system of power plant auxiliaries.
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