Mathematical Simulation of the Load Applied to the Driving Motor of a Compact Mobile Robot in the Motion Simulation Module
The application fields of compact mobile robots are constantly widened. This is because their designs, control algorithms, and the computing capacities of their controlling devices are constantly improved, and so are the materials used to manufacture them. Mobile robots can be used in hard-to-reach places, in a medium hazardous for a human, and in many other applications. The article presents an analysis of the load applied to the driving motor of a compact mobile robot moving over an even surface. The mechanical load components acting on the motor are determined, and the mutual change of these components as a function of the robot motion direction is analyzed. An expression describing the redistribution of load components when the robot moves in a straight direction and when it makes a turn is found. It is shown that the mathematical description of the load applied to the rotor driving motors contains cross links in terms of the right- and left-hand wheel speeds for taking into account this redistribution of load. The developed mathematical description of load can be used in synthesizing the rotation frequency controllers of the mobile robot driving motors, for investigating the robot performance characteristics in elaborating a new algorithm of its control or in optimizing the existing one, for simulating the robot motion in determining its location, and for other applications.
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