Digitalization and Analytics in Electrical Engineering. Digital Twins of Transformers

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
  • Michael E. ALPATOV
Keywords: digitalization, electrical engineering, transformers, information technologies, digital twins


The problem of combining analytics and digitalization in electrical engineering is considered. It is noted that the genesis of digitalization (the development of modern mathematical modeling methods, construction of computers, and development of information technologies) is associated with the military confrontation of great powers, and its development is associated with business. The individual stages of digitalization in electrical engineering are highlighted, and the features and conditionality of these features are noted. Attention is focused on information technologies, neural networks, digital twins, and artificial intelligence. The computer technology development level in Russia is assessed. The problem of creating digital twins of transformers is specially considered. It is shown that the analytical theory of transformers, in which analytical interrelations are established between the electromagnetic, structural, operating, and circuit parameters of transformers, makes it possible to determine, in a highly accurate manner, the set of the most informative electromagnetic (nameplate) parameters of a transformer based on the measurement of currents and voltages of its windings. Such mapping of measurement data into control data is given. It is noted that analytics is underestimated and has good prospects as a concept of solving problems for creating digital counterparts and for the digitalization process itself.

Author Biographies


(National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (NRU "MPEI"), Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Michael E. ALPATOV

(Joint-stock company "Production complex of HC ELEKTROZAVOD", Moscow, Russia) – Deputy General Director, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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