On the Development of Improved Fire Resistant Medium Voltage Power Cables and Their Test Methods

  • Dmitry A. BULYCHEV
  • Dmitry A. GUK
  • Mikhail K. KAMENSKIY
  • Vitaly G. MESHCHANOV
  • Mikhail Yu. SHUVALOV
Keywords: fire resistance, medium voltage, dielectric strength, life curve, thermal ageing, mathematical model


The article addresses problems faced in designing medium voltage fire resistant power cables. These cables must operate reliably during 30–40 years under the influence of relatively strong electric field, long-term heating up to 90 оC, and short-term heating up to 130 оC. These cables must also retain serviceability for a limited period of time when subjected to a flame source with a temperature of (830±40) оC. The article presents the key state-of-the-art electrical characteristics of these cables (dielectric strength, dielectric loss angle tangent in the delivery state, etc.), the thermal ageing resistance test procedure, the results of studies of long-term electrical strength (life curves) of fire-resistant cable models, and the fire resistance proper of results test. The article also proposes a mathematical model of the processes that take place in performing fire-resistance tests of medium voltage cables. The obtained modeling results are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data.

Author Biographies


(JSC "All-Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute", Moscow, Russia) ‒ Head of the Fire Safety Research Group for Cables and Polymer Materials.

Dmitry A. GUK

. (JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia) ‒ Head of the High-Voltage Test Center.


(JSC "All-Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute"", Moscow, Russia), Moscow, Russia) ‒ Deputy Head of the Power Cable and Wire Dept., Cand. Sci (Eng.).


(JSC "All-Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute", Moscow, Russia) ‒ General Director.

Mikhail Yu. SHUVALOV

(JSC "All-Russian Scientific Research and Development Cable Institute", Moscow, Russia) ‒ Director for Research Area – Head of the Power Cable and Wire Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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